The Vast of Night





导演:Andrew Patterson 


-kbm3u8- 选集

The Vast of Night剧情简介

Set at the dawn of the space-race over the course of one night in 1950s New Mexico, a young switchboard operator and a radio DJ uncover a strange frequency that could change their lives, their small town, and all of Earth - forever. THE VAST OF NIGHT falls down the rabbit hole of the Twilight Zone and carefully stitches together a narrative scavenger hunt through dropped phone calls, AM radio signals, secret reels of tape forgotten in a library, switchboards, crossed patchlines and an anonymous phone call. With confounding tracking camera work throughout, rapid fire dialogue and period perfect jargon, THE VAST OF NIGHT drops viewers into a time and town hidden away from outsiders. And whose mysteries only present themselves to those curious and patient enough to hear them.

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